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  • Do You Know Your Cat’s Body Language?

Do You Know Your Cat’s Body Language?

Have you ever wondered what your cat’s body language means? If not, that’s okay. It’s great to know because it’s essential to strengthening your relationship with your cat.

Humans communicate through writing and speaking but, your cat(s) use smell and touch to communicate. When observing your cat there are a couple of things to watch for, their ears, tail, body and eyes. This is because they are the key indicators of how cats react to things. Now let’s get to what each indicator will show about how your cat is feeling.

Let’s start with relaxed body language. Typically cats are loose and like to stretch out when they’re calm. A few more examples of your cat being relaxed may be rolling on their back, blinking slowly, sometimes wink. Their ears will be in a neutral placement, not backwards. Their rail will also be in a more relaxed position, for example, upright in a question mark shape.

Now let’s move onto fearful body language. The main indicator is your cat looking tense. It’s the same thing as humans because when we are scared we might choose to fight (fight or flight). Your cat may also be hunching to the ground and trying to hide from danger. They might close their eyes to hide from fear. This may also indicate pain or stress. Their tail may be curled around or under their body to hide/protect themselves. 

Finally look for Increased fear or aggression. This is something to look out for so you can give your cat space. They will show an arched back with their tail puffy and pointed straight up. Their eyes may be dilated and in a fixed stare with pinned ears. Their tail may be twitchy or lashing showing dominance and aggression.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general knowledge and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Photo by Jakub Zerdzicki: https://www.pexels.com/photo/domestic-cat-cuddling-up-to-human-on-cozy-sofa-27413592/

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